other projects
Here you'll find projects that I've worked on outside the scope of Odio-hime, including podcasts (ones I've produced for others and ones I've made/have in the works), audiovisual material, radio shows, videos, and collaborations of all sorts.
There are a lot of things I can't currently talk about, things I'm attached to that aren't on public record and things I'm currently creating, but soon you will be able to find info on this page about projects that have already been completed, are being put out currently, and things that I can talk about that are coming soon.
Keep an eye out here! I'll direct y'all here both on the homepage and on my social media profiles whenever I add more info about a project here.
Coming Soon, info about:
- Podcasts I've produced
- Multiple animation projects for which I will be composing the music
- A radio show that's out-of-this-world
- Video game concepts I'm outlining
- A novel or two
- more???